
Kaye Khaos (Owner)
Aye Kaye Audio | Chevy Gang CC

Bio: Kaye Khaos started working on car audio systems back in 2003. It was smaller builds, but it was good practice for a beginner. As time progressed the builds got bigger, and his knowledge of car audio systems expanded.

His love of car audio basically came from the love of music, and its presentation on any system. But, who can just stop with the sound. It has to look good if it sounds good. So, here is the part where car customization comes in.

His philosophy became "If a car looks garbage you expect it to sound garbage, but if a car looks like its maintained, then its a indicator that the system is maintained." 

Kaye started his own first build under the branding of "Aye Kaye Audio" on his own personal vehicle. A 2003 Chevy Silverado LS. He documented the process through video, and placed the videos on Youtube. Gaining a small fan bases while doing so. After completing what he called a "budget build" his name began to gain some admires in his city. He began installing systems for friends who was on budgets helping them get a bang for their buck.

While utilizing brands that people rarely use, or put bad reviews about, and making it sound great for a vehicle. This is how he gained the name of Khaos. Known for bring havoc, and chaos with little to nothing systems.

His belief is... "Its not the name on the product, but the installer that made it sound good."


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